
Safety at Sea Seminar Requirement

Crew Safety Training - What do you need and where can you get it?

What do I need?

The Transpac Race Notice of Race (8.1.3) requires that “at least 30% of a yacht’s crew including the watch captains shall have attended a US Sailing Sanctioned International Offshore Safety at Sea with Hands-on Training Course or its equivalent.” And 8.14 requires “An additional 30% of the crew shall have attended a US Sailing Sanctioned Offshore Safety at Sea Course or completed the US Sailing International Offshore Safety at Sea Online Supplemental Course.”

Where can I find these?

US Sailing Sanctioned International Offshore Safety at Sea with Hands-on Training Courses can be found on the US Sailing web site at (scroll down the page until you see the list.) Check the site regularly for new additions.

View West Coast seminars open for registration

What are the accepted “equivalents”?

On that same page there are listings for courses titled “US Sailing Sanctioned Safety at Sea Hands-on Training only”. One of these combined with either “US Sailing Sanctioned Offshore Safety at Sea Course” (also listed on that web page) or the “US Sailing International Offshore Safety at Sea Online Supplemental Course” found at ( constitute an equivalent. Note: Since these courses may be taken at different time periods, the requirement is that they be completed within the same calendar year.

The World Sailing “Offshore Personal Survival Course” the final equivalent. For our International entrants a list of providers of that course can be found at

These courses are valid for five years. Some of you may be in the situation where the five years has recently expired. Your certification can re reinstated by attending a “US Sailing Sanctioned International Offshore Safety at Sea Refresher Course”( also listed on the US Sailing site.)